Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Big Huvtae Day

You've heard of the BFG? Well, today was Himself's BHD - he'd set today as the day to tackle the garden shed as no rain was forecast and no-one else was making any demands on us. I've split the photo into before and after, though without showing you the shed as it's been for the past year, when the addition of a rake threatened to tip us both over the edge. Trouble is, when we had our kitchen remodelled to give me more storage for kitchen things and a better worktop, we did away with the cupboard under the stairs, which opened into the kitchen, and took all the gubbins that had lurked there for 25 years and put it in our newly-acquired garden shed. Now, another 25 years later, it was getting unusable and every time I went in I felt I was going to be impaled on the lawn aerator like the evil monk at the end of The Name of the Rose. And there were always tools collapsing on whoever tried to extricate something else with a long handle ...

Anyway, you can see how he did it. We've actually thrown out a lot - ancient, cobweb-draped bottles of tomato fertiliser, disintegrating mops - and I cleared away another great swathe of cobweb and dangling corpses/nests/let's not talk about it again stuff. And we tried to re-stock the shelves and the floor space logically, with the things we use often to the front.

I actually was less useful than I might have been, as I'm still feeling decidedly post-viral, but at the end of the afternoon we went out to Blairmore to give Di two of the larger obstacles we'd removed from the shed - metal frames to support floppy climbing plants, which turned out to be no use in our tiny garden. She has a lot of garden ... And then we went for a wee walk along the road, quiet because the going-home rush hour was past, enjoying the peace and the colours. The biggest joy was spotting a pair of swans with their babies on the beach - I'll add an extra. 

Dinner, compline, football. Stress, but some redemption after last week. And another hair-raising Flower of Scotland ...

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