
By airedaleknitter

In Flanders fields

We only had a few miles to drive today so we had a leisurely morning and decided to take the scenic route, via Lille and Dunkerque to our final campsite, location 10 I think of our adventure. It was lovely and saw lots of fields full of poppies.

On arrival we discovered the caravan hook up to the car had broken en route, and only 10 of the 13 pins still existed. Realising it was beyond even a temporary repair I found a caravan dealership nearby and thankfully they had a part. We spent the rest of the afternoon rewiring it, and thankfully we have lights on the van for the journey home tomorrow.

We’d decided that we’d eat in one of the restaurants in the village tonight, and as everywhere has been quieter than usual we didn’t bother to book a table. One was full of two coach loads of welsh school
Children and closed to any one else and the other one was fully booked . Thank goodness for some left over potatoes and the emergency tin of corned beef we had in the van.

We can see the Kent coast from the caravan and the sunset this evening was beautiful. It feels like a suitable end to our wonderful holiday, full of a mix of old and new places, wonderful food, laughter , and fun.

I’m already looking forward to next year’s adventures…….

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