Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Apricot rose

In the middle of the day I went to the Cameo for the encore screening of the ROH production of Andrea Chenier which I didn't know and much enjoyed. Sadly JMac wasn't well and couldn't be there which was a shame - it's always good to have someone to share the experience with. She had been looking forward to it too.

It was my crochet class in the evening where we did starting with a foundation chain. I will miss the next class because I'll be away and the following week will be the last class - I will really miss it. However, it might be possible to carry on with crochet club sessions on Sunday afternoons. 

I blipped this rose on my way back from the bus stop and a bit nearer to home I managed to take a tumble again - this is getting to be too much of a habit. I was a bit bashed up although happily nothing broken.

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