
By Technophobe


We’ve moved on from La Spezia where it was very hot and sunny to a campsite in the middle of nowhere quite near a town called  Cuneo.
It’s cooler and a bit damp with odd spots of rain. It’s nearer the mountains. Mountain weather is so unpredictable.
The reception office had cartons of blueberries for sale and we realised they are growing right by us.  I’m going to buy some tomorrow but we already have loads of lovely fruit from a huge supermarket we called in to today. 
We also had to go to a hardware store , Brico, and buy some extra strong glue because our waste water outlet has become detached. A quick repair should see us right until we get home!
At least we’re not in the situation of some people we know who are currently on holiday in France heading eventually for Corsica , in a vintage Bentley. They have to keep fixing the clutch with patches of leather .
I hope they reach their objective!

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