
By feorlean

Not quite as it seems....

These signs have just gone up on parts of the route to be followed by this weekend's Argyll Rally which takes place in Cowal.   They indicates stretches of road where the drivers are not in competition and where the community wants to have the minimum possible disturbance.

All well and good, but in other areas the are the impact will be  anything but slow and quiet.  Indeed my extra picture shows that for one part of the local community their only access to the outside world  will be  shut off for the whole of Friday evening and all of Saturday.   

There is, justifiably, a lot of anger coming from those on that part of the route  - the shore road along the edge of Loch Riddon.   There is similar strong feeling in other places locally too.   

Many people feel that there has been inadequate consultation and are arguing that  the Council and the Rally organisers have assumed that there is acquiescence without bothering to find out for themselves.

The Community Council has heard both sides  of the argument, because  there are those who are very keen on the rally and believe it contributes strongly to the local economy, though I have never seen any detailed research that proves the point.

So whilst not much can be done to alleviate the inconvenience this weekend, there is sure to be some very lively and passionate debate about plans for next year , with no certainty that the community will accept them unless they are much less disruptive. 

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