
By Dakers

Wet Weather Week?

Monday and it is raining.

Rain should come as no great surprise this year. Our weather has been wet and also far cooler than normal. The figures of energy usage produced by our air source heat pumps provide the evidence.

However, the forecast does offer some hope that our part of The Kingdom’ will be drier and sunnier. This Friday is mid summer day.

Apple News published a link to to a Money Telegraph article headed ‘Hundreds of Scottish churches put on the market in ‘painful’ fire sale. It is also accompanied by an article detailing the pitfalls of converting a church to a home.

They then appeal for people who have converted a church into a home to contact the paper.

I think I have more useful things to do with my time.

And today’s entry shows the handle of one of our umbrellas.

A Rabbit! Who would have guessed!

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