curns' corner

By curns

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One or other of our alarms went off just before 7am. There is a train strike, and so PY is working from home. Bright sunlight was streaming through the curtains. I decided to get up and go for a morning walk. I don't know if this restarts my daily activity, but it was nice to be out. I posted some birthday cards and weaved through the crowd at the bus stop. It was busier than usual as Raynes Park station was closed.

On the walk past round past Starbucks, I looked up and caught a glimpse of the end of the platform. I have taken photographs on the platform before but don't recall looking this way. The embankment here has been maintained by volunteers who do the gardening and the wedding. You can't see the work they have done easily from the platform. Today, nobody will be standing there to try to look.

Invitations to the Palace Garden Party arrived in the post today. PY took the trousers for his Morning Suit to be altered. It's all pretty exciting. I have to find somewhere to rent a suit.

Later, to the Co-op on Ridgeway to give us a walk (and pick up some pieces for PY’s lunches). Dinner was a Mediterranean meal with courgettes as the main ingredient. All served while we watched the first Eurovision semi-final. My favourite, Iceland, failed to qualify, as did one of my other favourites, Australia. Nice to see Luxembourg back in the competition and hats off to Ireland for something totally different (although I didn’t like it I do think they tried something that stood out and it paid off).

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