
By HF1

Meeting Kirstie’s Family

Today was a very special day . We met up with Jack in Cambridge for the first time since he and his partner left for Australia nearly two years
ago . Jack is my stepson and we’ve really missed him . Kirstie, his partner is from the Cambridge area and they wanted us to meet her parents for the first time .
We spent the first part of the day just with Jack who guided us around the city . We were really captivated by it - such a vibrant place with history at every turn . The colleges are glorious ( we were fortunate to see it all in the sunshine) .
After a look at Pembroke College quadrangle, we entered the chapel . Loved the nineteenth century graffiti there and the Cross of Migrants made from refuge boats that attempted to cross the Mediterranean Sea in 2016 .
We were able to photograph the Cam, indulge in a Fitzbilly Bun and have a good mooch round the Adam Sedgwick Earth Sciences Museum- we always notice a memorial stone to him when we visit Dent in the Dales as he was born there .
After nearly 17000 steps it was time for Afternoon Tea at Parker’s Tavern a very posh venue which reminded me of a Gentleman’s Club ( what do I know!!:) We were all nervous to meet Kirstie’s parents but it went really well and everyone soon seemed at ease .
The Park and Ride was easy to catch - we had more of a wander after we left Jack and Kirstie finishing off with a pizza at Zizzus .
Lots of colleges were set up for Sumner Balks tonight and there were many young ladies and gentlemen in evening dresses or bow ties ! It made for such an English Sumner evening vibe and so jolky to observe.

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