Jon's Page

By Jon_Davey

Hustings on the Prom

Organised by Surfers Against Sewage as part of the nationwide election campaign, complete with 'battle bus'. Obviously things are complicated in Scotland with water quality a devolved responsibility and run by a public body rather than private companies in this a Westminster campaign. No Green, Conservative or Reform candidates present, although the Greens did send a local councillor in the candidate's place. The Tory had childcare issues and no reason from the Reform candidate. Lots of agreement from the parties represented, although remains to be seen what gets done. Interested to see that while the Green councillor and both SNP and Lib Dem candidates signed the surfboard pledge to 'protect the ocean', the Labour candidate refused to do so. Yes, they want to avoid awkward hostages to fortune (and he hopes to be part of the government) but equally if they aren't held to account afterwards what use are warm words in the campaign? 

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