..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Birkett Bagging

Keeping the fitness effort going we decided to head out over to Kirkland Leaps for a spot of Birkett Bagging.
In 1994 Bill Birkett published a book describing walks to every hill over 1000feet in the lake district, there are 541 summits.
And so as is the human custom for collecting things, if you have completed the Wainwrights then the Birketts are an obvious next target.
Apart from more Birketts . many are off the beaten track and some of them have no defined paths at all so can be a bit of a struggle in terms of navigation, the ground underfoot and identifying the actual summit.
My Garmin watch tracks where I've been with a GPS recording which is uploaded and then copied to various websites to determine where I've actually been. Sometimes we get home to discover we've missed a summit by a matter of metres which is not ideal and leads to a wobbly bottom lip especially if we've been scrambling  through scrub or wading in bog.
The weather wasn't great but at least it wasn't raining,  here is a view from Low Pen through the cotton grass down towards Cogra Moss.
We bagged, Kelton Fell, Godworth, High Pen & Low Pen.
The GPS record of our route is here

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