Not fish
School's out for summer
The fish have gone home. We are once again pet-less. It's a relief to be free from the stress of possibly killing someone else's fish, but I will miss them a bit.
A slow day. Too hot again. Some clouds tonight give me hope for coolness... but I fear we are forecast mid-30s again tomorrow. I'm now officially bored with watering the garden. Actually, I'm not really because it gives me a spell of each day (or at the moment two spells since some of the plants need watering twice a day) to marvel over the speed of development now that we're past mid-summer. Tomatoes are setting fruit at a rate that I can't keep up with - and new plants seem to suddenly have marble sized fruit between morning and evening waterings. (And all this in spite of them having what we've diagnosed as blight. Maybe we were wrong...)
This cake, in pride of place where the fish used to live, has just been iced (hence the wet-effect) but is already half-eaten. The kids, despite playing inside all day, seem to have worked up quite an appetite.
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