
By Marionb

Baby Steps

Old damaged spinal discs have a tendency to keep on deteriorating and along with that come new symptoms to add to old ones; this past year, walking for me has become more painful and uncomfortable and unfortunately, the temptation has been to not go walking because it hurts...which, of course, is not the answer!  So.. my doctor and I have agreed to new game plan. I am  to work with a physiotherapist on an exercise program and start walking again...every day...starting with walks as short as need be to avoid discouraging pain and to patiently work up to longer distances. I am to go back in two months to report on my progress. Yikes...the pressure is on...Can I do this? Me? Who has trouble sticking with anything? But I have to...

My first time out, I blew it and walked too far..and paid the price. But today I was sensible and it worked. I went down to the lake for the first time in the cool early morning air before the heat wave that was about to roll in.. I walked along the promenade and out onto the wharf....never too far rom the car..and the good news?  I went further than I had expected before the pain started which point I stopped. Perhaps the walking was easier on me because of the flat, smooth paved surface? No rough ground. No hills. Whatever the reason,, I enjoyed myself and I went home not discouraged! 

PS: this is for those who remember the bald female cardinal I blipped last year..  Well, she might be back! (extra) Of course, I can't be sure it is her; maybe this condition is more common than I thought and there are other bald cardinals out there? It makes me so sad to see her like that.. but maybe in the bird world, it isn't a big deal...and her feathers will soon grow back and she will be beautiful again...?

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