
By MollyG

Fine dining

… and it wasn’t just any old fajita wrap.

We drove over to Glasgow this afternoon to see the grandkids’ ballet show. The intention was to arrive in time for a quick bite to eat before the performance, but we got tangled up in rush hour traffic, so made the decision to stop off at Harthill and grab something there. We did sit down to eat it … we know how to treat ourselves!  After that we arrived with about 15 minutes to spare, Chris dropped me off and he had to drive round searching for a parking space. Fortunately he made it to the theatre just as the lights were going down and we relaxed and enjoyed the show. We even managed to spot the kids doing their various turns. I really should take my opera glasses to these things!

We stayed for a bit afterwards to congratulate them, and also to congratulate their Granny who is their dance teacher and who organises the whole thing. A very talented lady.

On the way back the sunset was quite spectacular, but difficult to snap from the M8 (extra), and just as we were arriving back there was a horrendous downpour. I thought we were going to have to sit in the car outside the house for a while, but it eased off enough for a mad dash to the door.

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