South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Beautiful ending to a summery day

It actually felt like summer today!  

I had another trip to the dermatologist.  He advised me that, despite my legs looking worse, it was ‘exactly the way I would expect them to look at this stage’ i.e. red and disgusting (in my opinion anyway!). But he has armed me with cream to help with the itching and burning.  I am also getting swollen legs above my socks - apparently this too is normal with the meds he has put me on!  He is convinced that it will be much better in another couple of weeks and that the redness will dissipate with the help of some steroid cream.

I’m sorry for all the detail - it’s mainly for my information!

Have been watching a lot of tennis on iPlayer.  Nottingham last week and Queen’s this week.  Katie Boulter is a great British player and Emma Raducanu seems to be a good hope for us now she is no longer injured.  Their semi-final match was really good.  The weather was terrible in Nottingham last week and Boulter and Pliskova ended up having to play the semi-final and final on the same day!  Boulter won for the second year running.

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