
By pandcjane

On the Circuit

With Layla today. A beautiful day. Long may it last. I have washed and dried (outside) 2 loads of washing, spent an hour in the garden deadheading roses  and generally clearing up. Then i helped my elderly neighbour who had run out of her diabetic pills (on Saturday) and we discovered had not ordered a repeat prescription. So we popped to the Dr surgery who registered the repeat but of course it had to be signed by a Dr which didn't happen before the chemist closed at 1700. So we had to get an emergency prescription of 2 pills for which the pharmacist charged us £12.60. Which seemed extortionate but had to be done. Then home and the two of us sat in the sun with a glass of water and had a chat and admired the roses! I have done 13,540 steps so far which is pretty good i think. 

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