2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

First day

Had a bit of a rushed start as our first alarm did not work.  The back up on my phone did rouse us but we didn't have long before landing.  We managed some coffee and pastries in the lounge before returning to the car. 
Roads were quiet and it didn't take long to get to the first park for the Castlewellan park run.  We were early so had chance to get into our running stuff and find the start in good time. Interesting route with a steep climb away from the lake towards the end.  It was hard work after giving blood earlier in the week.
After the run we headed down to Newcastle and had a bit of a stroll along the promenade. Didn't find any where to eat so we headed on to Castle ward and had a sandwich there.  Worked out where the cottage was and then sat and read our kindles until we could take possession.  
Went to bed while it was still light as we were just so tired.  

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