
By pandammonium


We escaped Butlins again, this time walking down to Skegness via a plodge in the sea. It was sunnier and warmer than yesterday. When I was sitting on the post of a groyne brushing the sand off my feet, a little dog came up and tried to pinch my shoe!

We had chips in a cafe, then failed to find those comb slides people wore in their hair in the eighties (a weird new-fangled version didn’t count). We had an ice cream, and hit the pier, taking in Norfolk across the Wash.

In the arcade, one of those 2p tipping point machines dropped some two pence pieces out, so we grabbed them and tried our luck in different machines. I won a fair few tuppences, but put them all straight back in, and lost the lot. It wasn’t about the winning; it was the taking part.

The machine also spewed out five tokens. You need a lot more than five tokens to claim a prize.

Back at Butlins, we saw an Erasure tribute band, Erasured, which was really good, then a tribute to Go West, Spandau Ballet and Duran Duran all in one, Go Span Duran.

After that, Pat Sharp, who still looks wrong without that mullet, started a DJ set. We didn’t stay till the end.

Tomorrow, the hairspray and coloured eye shadow gets put away, and we go back to the future.

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