twinned with trumpton


After last night's excitement (after leaving Her's, I picked up a super cheap lump of pork which was duly stashed in the freezer, saw a badger in pretty much broad daylight as I cycled between Tesco and HellforMurph's place, found the lift was broken, and then the remnants of a party in the communal garden - large gazebo, pool big enough to hold 6-8 adults, plus balloons, twister, 6 chairs, a sand pit and a pile of empty boxes. Then Tails dog food delivery on the door step, Tom's F the Tories socks stuffed through the letterbox,  a TV licence and a postal vote too) After a cuppa I went to have a proper look at the party debris before traipsing off up to drop off Alex's football kit and then into town to cook breakfast. She is still not great; depressed beyond words, and lethargic too... So it came as no surprise that the planned Turkish bath in Porty at 1 was scrapped - I then contacted Baz to see if he fancied relocating or cancelling (the latter option was chosen - he'd paid heed to the forecast!) 

Then in the steady light rain I took Loki off around Q Mile to burn off some his vim and vigour and also take in Lidl for essential supplies (olive oil - how middle class) and take some photos too. 

Back; She seemed brighter and after not really watching some football, She chummed me out to get more supplies; I left Her at Sainsbury's where she got collared by Maggie (as featured in Seaside Susie's blip of a year or two back) and I used the dog as my excuse to duck out.

I gave it 3 minutes and then called Her; giving Her the opportunity to break free from Maggie (as I expected she was still engaged in chat) She breathed a sigh of relief; idle chit chat is not on Her agenda at the moment.

I carried on; the rain having given way to grey with occasional spots (Orkney's Premier blipper would most likely consider this the height of summer given the torrid time he's having). About 20 minutes later She called back. She'd seen Maggie had picked up her shopping and taken it 5 yards, then set it down; exhausted. Got her breath back then did another 5 yards. So She approached her again and helped her home, carrying the messages she was clearly struggling with (she ihas seizures and I think is only recently out of hospital)

By the time I got back, the feel good of doing someone a good turn and the (presumably) having seen someone worse off than Her had lifted the mood a little. 

I did a Sabrina Ghayour pork stew with cous cous and managed to watch England v Slovenia (1st half) before heading off homewards and the garden untoched, but now in a state of disarray with the wind and rain having battered the stuff left out. There was also a card from my boys - it's Father's Day?? How did I miss that??

For those of you asking about Lara Pawson's Spent Light

"Those gloves. Why do I assume they are for womens' hands?  Is this why I bristle at the fluffy yellow dusters too and the can of Mr Sheen? I have seen many things in my life. I have seen a Harris hawk swoop on a magpie on a footpath on an East London industrial estate and drag it through the fence into a furniture factory. I have seen a kingfisher follow the River Lea south to the Olympic site, and a few miles north a colourful cock pheasant land clumisly on the edge of the Tottenham marsh. I have seen a sparrowhawk plummet from a plane tree into a suburban privet and emerge with a bird in its claws. I have seen my dog hunt a hare at full pelt only to run straight over it when it flattened itself into the sil, vanishing and still on the earth. I have seen lions and rhinos and touched the skin of a moving elephant. I have seen the crawling crocdiles of Yamoussoukro and I have read, in my own inbox, the rage of readers of the Daily Mail. I have driven through the smoke of a forest fire and I have shouted at three white police officers who were sitting on the body my young black neighbour, face down, flat out in our street. I have looked through the window of another neighbour's house and seen a middle aged man kneeling naked on his kitchen floor, immersed in the sonic space of Bora Yoon. But I have never seen a man shaking Mr Sheen or taking a yellow cloth to a bookshelf or a bannister or a mantel above the fire."

I'm enjoying it hugely. Would recommend.

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