This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

We meet in the field.

I walk through the tall grass, up hill with my painting.
It is cool and early- 7am to be exact, the light is strange and the wind is blowing.
A woman suddenly appears at the top of the hill, walking through the grass towards me. Her arms are splayed out wide at her sides, her gaze, far away and displaced. She sees me and says in a quiet nervous voice, almost child-like "What...What are you doing here...?"

I say in a calm tone- "I like this field, I want to take a photograph of my painting in this field, that is all...." She stares at me curiously, turns and walks away quickly. I call out... "Are you okay??" I hear a car door shut.

I take my photograph. As I turn I see her older model car start to drive down the abandoned road from the top of the hill to where I am. I start to walk down towards the road below, she slows and she says "Well I want to see it... I want to see your picture- show me." I turn my painting towards her and say "See, it matches the grass..." She looks at it and then at me, "pretty..." she says, and she drives off.

And I have just been in my own little David Lynch film, and I know that all is not right with the woman and that she thinks I am a little odd too, but perhaps safe and somehow I think we might meet again...

it sounded like this

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