
By Jackyt

Beautiful angel

This was before she cut the tip of her ear and ended up looking like the chainsaw massacre.
We were already booked in to do scent detection so I tried to stop it with some petswab blood stop I had in the dogs first aid kit. All seemed ok until we got to the venue (fortunately outside) she got out the car flicked her head and it started pouring again. More blood stop applied and one of my neck snoods put around her head to try and stop her flicking her ears. No use, the second time she came out for her search she flicked and it all started again. Next step came from knowledge from a previous life, got the silver nitrate pencil out and with a dab of water all the bleeding stopped. It obviously stung a bit but with a stroke and a cuddle it soon passed and she settled down. No further bleeding occured on her final search.
Dina's turn next, the first session of level 2 gundog training. We were learning how to get them into the correct seated position before a send off and after retrieving. We also worked on the dog resting their chin in our hands. And finished with love, connection and fun with our dogs.
Successful day if a little messy

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