
By acula

A lot of everything

At this Chinese bazaar close to home I can find anything I could possibly need, even things I would never dream that I would need.
Today I went to look for bubble wrap and a cardboard box for a package with gifts for our grandchildren in Marseilles.  Of course, they had what I needed!
I spoke with the clerk, who spoke perfect Spanish, and I celebrated the small garden that the Chinese family, who owns the store, has in front of their huge store. The man explained to me that it was his mother who took care of it, and when I left the store I saw a woman of indefinite age taking care of the garden and plucking small carrots that she cleaned very carefully.
 When I said: You have a lovely garden, she nodded and smiled.
I thought it was more or less like shopping at my traditional stores.
Now that I have a very restricted social life I always try to talk to anyone I meet on my errands.

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