Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Patio progress - everything pretty much levelled off now and the retaining wall of sleepers is in. We need some more hardcore for the bottom corner as we underestimated how much we needed. Matt will be back to start laying the slabs next weekend. 

Me and Eva had a lovely ride out this morning and Eva actually asked to go for a canter in the park field over the road. Jack was awesome and took it nice and steady for her even though he could so easily have tried to race Bud.

I also cleared out the last few bits from our old bedroom and lifted the horrible stinky carpet. It was hard work as it had been laid underneath the fitted wardrobes so I had to cut it away. About 10% of the floor has been botched with horrible new floorboards so we're going to have to find some reclaimed ones to make it good. Hopefully the rest will come up nice with a bit of sanding. 

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