Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Gruyères Outing

My daughter phoned me this morning to see if I felt like going to Gruyères with her! The weather was warm and sunny and the drive took us 45 minutes to get there.

The medieval town of Gruyères is such a pictureque little town on a hill. with cobbled streets and very old houses. The castle dates back to the 13th century.

We had decided to eat a Hawaiian chicken salad, but either side of us were people eating fondue and the aroma was very tantalizing, so we had one too (as you can see)!

You can see the Gruyère Castle taken from further away. The mountain on the right (in the lower right of the collage) is called Le Molésan and very well known in the canton of Fribourg.

The weather was a perfect temperature, 24C, even though a few clouds came over later in the afternoon.

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