
By dunkyc

Red run

Despite the inclement weather, the bikes were bundled into the van along with a change of clothes and some towels as we headed off up to Whinlatter.

It was my third "official" mountain bike trail and once more it was great fun as sped down a cracking blue trail, rounding berms, riding rollers and jumping over small rocks. 

This is the view back over the valley from where we stopped at the summit of the Red Trail (more difficult) for a little lunch before heading down.

It wasn't too bad to be honest, but I did make it trickier by trying to ride one handed whilst zipping up a jacket pocket to secure the car keys. More than once I almost came a cropper, but somehow managed to "save it" and was able to meet my companions at the bottom in one piece.

The final piece of the puzzle was a dicey roll down a very slippy rocky section, but again we all made it down safely.

Not long after that, we were back at the van getting changed and heading into the cafe for another debrief (of sorts) and much need tea and cake.

Once home, I had some rounds to do and delivered my father and brother in law of their birthday cards and pressies. 

Great day!

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