
By soozaday

Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby?

I watched the cormorants for a good hour this morning.There is something so sweet and tender in the way they care for their young. The babies are bony and leathery and prehistoric looking, not terribly attractive to us, but presumably endearing to their folks. There are as many as three babies in a nest, which hangs on the edge of a cliff over the ocean.

The Extra shows the Changing of the Guard: the parents take turns on the nest--one sits while the other goes off for food. If you're lucky, you get a glimpse of the nest while the adults are stretching. There are two newborns here, and the egg looks like it is about to crack! In just a minute, the parent will snuggle down over the nest and its contents, but for now we're free to examine the gangly little ones.

The other Extra is what it's all about: FEED ME!

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