just be

By justbe

Grasshopper Groceries


More than 200 species of birds are known to feed on grasshoppers. Even seed-eating species, such as sparrows, depend on insects for high-protein food during the breeding season.

I watched this wren resting on a small conifer near the nesting box. The hungry nestlings were in for quite a delicious grasshopper treat. She delivered it with pride, I could hear them making little noises, then she promptly flew out in search of more good groceries for her gang. 

I was afraid the wren nest had suffered the same sad fate as the robin nest in a nearby pine, but the wrens have successfully defended their brood from the nasty bluejay raids.

We had a busy day, picking up our CSA( Community Supported Agriculture) bag of fresh spring greens, then a lunch at a cool cheese shop, the Bloomy Rind. We came home to some yard work, and a supper including lots of greens and radishes picked up today.

For the Record, 
This day came in with warm sun and low humidity.

All hands busy.

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