By lizzie_birkett


…and the best present was Frank being allowed home for the day.
We collected him this morning at 9.30 and took him back to the hospital at 9 pm. We had a lovely day chatting, neighbours popped in to see him including toddler Primrose who brought me a bunch of flowers for my birthday. Frank was pleased to see them all.
He is on remarkably good form considering what he is going through and played some music with Sam.
He now has a drain in the liver to take fluid away so they can get a better view of the lesions when they do another CT scan. 
He enjoyed a mild curry and a magnum.
We are all still trying to get our heads round how a seemingly healthy, fit man can suddenly be so ill.
I am hoping to speak to the consultant on Monday to ask questions and get answers.
One extra is my shoes next to Sam’s massive trainers.
Me and the family are exhausted with the emotional highs and lows over the last 2 1/2 weeks. Frank is quite calm about it all, maybe it’s the medication he’s on or he is just being brave. 
Now Sam and I are having a drink and talking and trying to make sense of it all.
Nearly bedtime.
Good night and thank you all so much for the support, kind words, stars and hearts. :-) X

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