David J. Rose

By djrose007

High Flying Girls

They do say that they want to join the RAF when they grow up, with a bit more of today's encouragement they may very well end up being pilots, or at least aircrew.
They loved the Jet Age Museum, they were even tall enough to tackle the Vulcan crew ladder. Didn't take a lot of notice of the ex-Vulcan crew museum volunteer, too busy trying all of the knobs and switches. He was very understanding though and we had a good chat about the Vulcan and some of his history of being flight crew, he didn't specify if he was pilot, Air Electronics Officer (AEO), Navigator Plotter or Tactical Navigator.
The AEO was the person I used to communicate with in my early RAF days at HQ Bomber Command, using morse code signalling. Apart from that he was responsible for all of the equipment including defence mechanisms.
The girls loved sitting in all of the cockpits, particularly the Gnat, which is the cockpit from one of the original Red Arrows Gnat aircraft before they changed to the Hawks in 1979.
The top photograph was taken after we'd completed our visit, including a visit to the café for a drink and a snack. Hetty wanted a glider, it was only 60p and it flies really well. after I'd put it all together. It was a very windy out in the open though. Nearly lost it over the airfield fence a couple of times!
I'd love to live long enough to see if they really do join the RAF, it's a life they already know, apart from the barrack room banter and drinking!
Incidentally, I researched and wrote the history of Avro Vulcan B2 XM569, the one in the photograph, and if anyone is interested it can be downloaded from my dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r9n3ignt7z4sn9dlwpq5e/History-of-XM569-Avro-Vulcan-v1.9.pdf?rlkey=tfj97fv37jor2u4yxot8cxa4x&st=6hr8en2w&dl=0

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