Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12


Since this week i have a new secoind bike. As i don t have a car, in case of flat tire or any breakdown , i need second cycle. The bike repairman is constructing those bikes himself , from different components. Most of those bikes are used for rental ( tourisits). So today i put the bike on a test for a 75 km drive. I went to Oostende, then along the coast line to Sea Bruges and back home. My review for this bike , its a 5 star vehicle. Smooth driving , light and verry good acceleration build in the shaft from the back wheel.
But what i heard in Oostend. The artwork in straw , picturing James Ensor (painter) was set to fire wednesday eve. They caught the culprits , who were drunk at the time of the crime. Luckily there is a built in system which is keeping the straw wet.On the photo you can see the artist , repairing the artwork.

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