This is the day

By wrencottage

Teenage Party

I was delighted to see this juvenile woodpecker at the fat ball feeder this afternoon, unfazed by the numerous juvenile starlings who were also vying for pole position. We are getting through fat balls at an incredible rate, even though I don’t usually expect to be providing them in June when the weather should be so warm they would start to melt!

A busy day, baking, ironing, making a card order of 20 photo note cards and then entertaining our daughter-in-law and two youngest granddaughters later this afternoon. Four year old H asked to have a session in the craft room with Granny, and went home with another decorated carrier bag, at her request. They will all be back for lunch tomorrow, including Daddy. Little H has already pre-booked tomorrow's session in Granny’s you-know-where.

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