
By Number147


Clive left at midday for a jolly
in Bristol. He'll be back tomorrow with a friend in tow.

Lucy came round to pick up a 30th birthday present for Ruby. She'll deliver it to her in London tomorrow. We had a good old natter.

Alf thought it funny that I kept calling Lucy, Louise. My parents gave them similar names but I'd mix them up anyway.

Lucy left and a few minutes later, Louise arrived. 

We kept it very local and went to the Caen Hill cafe and then to the garden centre. We were worried about getting caught in a downpour but luck was on our side.

Hetty has had a charge around the park. I hope that's enough for her today but will take her out again, if she demands it and if the evening is fine.

It's just a bit chilly.

(I absolutely adore my dog. She's just gorgeous!)

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