A Daily Dose

By suejay50


I've had a lovely day - despite the weather!
Coffee with the 'usual suspects' this morning and then off to collect Terri for a trip out!
We went to Westward Ho! to meet another friend with her lovely Bailey who is now 18 months old. Enjoyed a chinwag and coffee in the cafe on the burrows whilst the rain came in and then went to Skern for a stroll in the wind!  Very breezy, but enjoyable stroll.  A couple of sailors were out on the water and several windsurfers were being blown around!
En route home Terri and I went via Instow where we succumbed to a Hocking's ice cream. Delicious. My first of the year.
My blip is of Bailey resting in her 'mum's' arms and then nodding off - in the cafe.

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