
By GracieG

One of Those Days

Our photography club had arranged for us to go along to Mannington Hall today.  They were holding a 'Wild About Mannington' day.  This included a guided walk, bird ringing, wildlife talks and access to the grounds.

I had yoga this morning in a local village hall, so couldn't go to the event when it opened at 10am.  Of course, it stayed dry this morning while we were inside practicing our yoga moves.  I dashed home for an early lunch and then headed off to Mannington Hall.  Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bird ringing was over, the talks were sold out...and then it rained!

I did manage to walk around the grounds before the rain started and although I heard a Cetti's Warbler and a Sedge Warbler, they were nowhere to be seen and to be honest there wasn't really a lot to photograph.  The rain started and soon became rather persistent so, after optimistically standing under a tree for some time, and no sign of it letting up, I decided to head back home. Of course, as soon as I drove away the sun came out!

So, all I have to offer today is a fly.  I'm not quite sure what kind of fly, but it seemed to be enjoying some serious grooming using the rainwater.

It just goes to prove the truth behind the saying...the early bird catches the worm:)

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