
By AnnieBelle

Sydney Harbour Bridge from Walsh Bay

Today I had a lunch and theatre date with two friends. We saw the play Stolen, by Jane Harrison, about the stolen generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, a dark chapter in Australia's history. Fortunately it was a short play, and that's not a comment on the play which was well done. More that it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know and it was depressing, again. Nothing will amend the past and the past has a long tail reaching into the present.

I'm low on commenting as it's been a busy week. M and I both had medical procedures and we're the better for them. Plus it's been a mad social whirl - fun fun fun and more to come. Will keep looking at your journals.

The photo is taken through the glass of the wharf in which the theatre is located and what an incredible location it is.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 

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