Everyday Life

By Julez


Once I was up, fed and ready to face the World this morning I got Brian to take me out to visit my Mum at the care home in the middle of nowhere. This field is next to the home! My Mum was asleep virtually all the time I was there, I don't even know if she knew I was there never mind if she knew who I was. She stirred once when I put her slipper back on, and once when they brought her a drink and snack but that was it!

Brian came to pick me up and I quickly took this before getting in the car. I got out again in town and went to look for an engagement gift for Jeri and Paul. By this time it was chucking it down with rain once again - not cold though, and I had my brolly. Finding anything suitable and non-tacky was a challenge. After I'd given it up as a bad job, I found someone who could provide what I want though - will just have to wait three weeks to get it!

I'm home now and in dry clothes, waiting to watch more rugby. We are going out tonight to see the Skiffle band we saw last time we went out, but this time in the pub on our street that I am not really the biggest fan of.

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