
By maureen6002

Ruby Rose

A busy day with breakfast out in Bryn Williams’ beachfront bistro. I’m meeting up with two friends and it’s a lovely opportunity to chat while looking out over the bay - the expanse of golden sand looking so inviting as we actually see the sun for once. It really looks summery, but the deserted sands are more reminiscent of winter sunshine than a day in mid June. Yes, it’s still cold! 

Back home, we have another friend over for a catchup over afternoon tea. We’re expecting our weekend visitors, but Solveig has a GP appointment as the poor girl’s suffering from mastitis.  Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and she’ll feel well enough to come over tomorrow.  To be honest, I’m really tired so I’m quite happy with a postponed visit.  

The morning’s sunshine continues off and on all day - oh for a day without rain! Still, the advantage in terms of photography is the abundance of raindrops that decorate this beautiful rose - a Ruby Anniversary gift from Rob and Terry. 

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