
By Veronica

Night out

As S isn't here, I wasn't going to go to tonight's dinner-concert at the Cave à Jazz, but T got in touch a couple of days ago to say they were going, so I changed my mind. Bonus: getting a lift there and back! I see from my blips that it's almost exactly a year since I was last there.

Dinner was as usual home-cooked basic stuff. But the jambalaya was very tasty, unusually spicy for French food, and as usual there were crêpes with a selection of fillings for afters. The band was long-standing local hero Jean-Michel Cabrol with other familiar faces on piano and drums. The bass player, Philippe Panel, was new to me though, and excellent. They played almost entirely their own compositions, most by pianist Gérard Poncin, including one he only wrote two days ago, but finished with a very creative version of the theme from Les Parapluies de Cherbourg by the great Michel Legrand.

An excellent evening -- out into the pitch dark streets just after midnight. It seems like a long time since I last saw live music (not counting my choir concerts!). Last time was flamenco in Almuñecar.

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