A time for everything

By turnx3

Happy Birthday Roger!

We have come away for a few days to celebrate Roger’s birthday, up in the north east of the state at Mosquito Lake State Park. Yes, a delightful name I know, but so far there doesn’t seem to be an over abundance of them, no more than you’d expect near any body of water. It would have been nice if we could have come up yesterday, and had his birthday up here, rather than driving 4 1/2 hours towing a camper, but I had Book Club yesterday, and whilst I would have been prepared to miss it, R said he was quite happy going up today. We didn’t get a particularly early start, so it was about 4.30 when we pulled in to our camp ground. Unfortunately, most sites get booked months ahead at State Parks, so you have to take what’s left - and that was electric only, so we had to stop on the way in to fill up the fresh water tank, then it takes a while to get unhitched, level the camper etc. While we drank our tea, we were checking out on our phones nearby eating establishments. Before we went out for dinner however, we had a walk down to the boat launch to get a view of the lake, and take a few pictures. You can see our kayaks on our car in one of the photos of my collage, but we also brought our bikes - they are on a rack at the front of the camper - so a couple of active days in store!
The restaurant we chose, which was in nearby Warren, was a family owned Italian restaurant, in operation for 35 years so the waitress told us, and it turned out to be very good. Roger’s’ dish, seafood linguine, I actually had the same, may not look great from the photo, as you’re mainly seeing the mussel and clam shells, but we both agreed it was one of the best seafood linguine we’d had. It was preceded by a salad, and we shared a dessert!
Step count: 8,694

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