
By Tryfan46

Dymchurch Beach, drifting sands

An unpromising morning gave way to a sunny and relatively warm afternoon accompanied by a strong south westerly wind. What a pleasure to see the sun.

We took a chance and drove down to the beach at Dymchurch after lunch. It was a walk of two halves, three miles into the teeth of the gale and three miles back wondering what had happened to the wind. Turn around and it was still blowing just as hard.

Like the last time we were here dry sand was drifting along the beach, eddying around the groynes creating sculptured drifts around the upright and horizontal planks. In places drifting sands had created a succession of crescent shaped barchan dunes, the sort you might see in deserts.

There were plenty of flowers along the shingle edge and in one stretch there must have been hundreds of pyramid orchids growing on the landward side of the sea defences.

As is customary when we’re down here a visit to Unit 1 craft brewery is compulsory. Hopfuzz pale ale and Dockers pale ale, nuts and crisps were consumed and enjoyed and didn’t spoil our dinner this evening

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