Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Herb Robert goes to seed

Dick, who gardens for me, is not a fan of Herb Robert. I think it is pretty and it is easy to pull out of the borders if it becomes too invasive.

This plant is growing amongst ivy on the front wall of the garden. It is June, but many flowers are almost over and are setting seed.

It rained again..........

I did manage to pop to the shop between showers and buy eggs. I also planted up my tubs of annuals at the front door and some new hostas.

This afternoon I called to see Maureen and Brian before going for an MRI scan of my lumbar spine and hip. It took about 45 minutes of lying completely still on a hard surface. I've had MRI scans twice before, but they were not as noisy or as prolonged. Hopefully, this one will reveal why I can't sit comfortably........! 

I discovered that the Care Home for M and B has wifi problems despite adding boosters to the circuit. Maureen's phone was on flight mode, which didn't help her to access emails of course. I sorted that and then had to trot quickly to my appointment.

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