David J. Rose

By djrose007

Not 100% but improving

Bella started this 'Slapped Cheek' illness a few hours before Hetty so she is an awful lot better than she was. Hetty is better than she was but nowhere near recovered. She, Hetty, is still sore all over, quiet and a bit sleepy, but she did come to the supermarket with me to pick up a couple of things we were short of. I had to carry her to the car, and use a large trolley because they are the ones with a child seat. My few items looked lost in the bottom of the big trolley but she quite enjoyed the heightened view so she could spot things for me to pick up! "Granny would like those" (Mr Kipling's iced fairy slices). Actually, no, Granny doesn't like them but I suspect Hetty fancied the look of them HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Took them over to the nearby park and they quite enjoyed that, but Hetty was worn out by the time we got home.
Looking forward to tomorrow, apart from the fact that now Marlane has gone down with, what appears to be, the same thing.

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