Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

We have a dream....

Today has been a waiting day a large proportion of the country holding its breath. I heard the opening rendition of Flower of Scotland while driving this evening and I must admit to my hair standing on end at the power of the singing.
The link below always comes to mind when we go into one of these competitions and still makes me smile. Do enjoy it.
Other than that, what a day! The rain was stotting off the ground. The sounds of the rain on the glass even drew Josie to the window to see what was happening.
Then in between the showers was the joy of watching a family of bluetits on the feeders. One very smart baby found the little branch just to the side which made it much easier to be fed. I must admit after the visit from the sparrow hawk the other day my heart was in my mouth as it sat there alone! All was well though.

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