
By PorridgeWog

Munching (Day 3322)

I woke to the sounds of heavy rain and strong wind, a massive change from yesterday. The morning wander with Sigyn was unpleasant.
The first horse check of the day was fairly unpleasant too. Yesterday the field was nearly dry this morning it had reverted to a swamp. The ground shouldn't be this wet in June.
Back at Mum's I got cleaned up and sorted out, then zoomed to town to collect some stuff.
After lunch I got all my waterproofs on again and headed out with Sigyn. Surprisingly the rain stopped while we were out.
Another trip to the horses late in the afternoon was well timed between rain showers and I left the horses with plenty of hay to ride them over til the morning.
Hopefully my beautiful wife will have had better weather for her day of trimming.

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