
By Chris_P

‘If it were a Lady, it would get its bottom p****’

Today, we went to the Gallery of Modern Art to look at the new ‘Women in Revolt’ exhibition on tour from the Tate. 
There is a lot of fascinating stuff from the 70s and 80s there, including feminist art, graphics, photos, videos, and magazines. 
The exhibition brought back many memories - including this photograph from 1979, which I seem to remember had almost iconic status at the time.
It’s by Jill Posener and, according to the notes, was one of a series of feminist interventions to advertising billboards in London by her and her fellow squatters, which they photographed and sold.
The collective nature of the intervention, which I think makes it more powerful, is reflected in the fact that there are two handwritings! 
Things have certainly moved on since then!

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