
By biddy

Roses and Peonies from the garden………

………which I cut to bring into the house after a particularly heavy downpour not long after lunch.
There was a burst of sunshine for awhile so I took advantage of it and rescued them. Their heads were heavy on their stems and all their petals very wet.
I shook some drops off gently and then deposited them all into a small jug vase.
The middle one was a gift for our Golden Wedding last year. It is doing really well.
I’ve been to the Optician’s this afternoon to collect my new spectacles.
The first time I have had a change of prescription in 4 years.
I can still use my old pair as a spare.
Thankyou for your comments on my blips when mine have been a bit sparse this past week.
My appetite is now thankfully fully restored so along with that goes my energy levels.
I wish summer was restored!
Although it has been a little bit warmer today here at 17C.
I’m currently writing this looking out through the patio window on to a sunny colourful garden, with a big dark very full looking cloud looming towards it on the left!
The squirrel has been about trying to bury something in the rockery. Surely he doesn’t think it’s autumn already! Couldn’t blame him if he does!
Hope you all have a good weekend.

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