
By MollyG


Day off work today. We took a wander over to the Gallery of Modern Art and had a look round the Women in Revolt exhibition. While we were up at the top floor gallery I could hear the rain thundering down in the roof above and then heard one of the gallery staff reporting that there was water coming in and running down the wall. Not surprising really, I’m sure the guttering and gulleys on the roof couldn’t take the deluge that had suddenly descended from the sky. After we finished taking in the exhibition we went downstairs and had lunch and I later overheard someone saying that two galleries had been closed off, so I think we made it just in time. I don’t think there was any damage done to any artworks - at least I hope not- but obviously a bit of a concern.

The photo is Paolozzi’s Vulcan which dominates the restaurant.

We managed to get home reasonably dry afterwards, almost, but not quite, dodging intermittent showers.

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