
By GenuineBlip

Florence Fashion

Drama on the train. Florence is very, very crowded. Many, many, too many Americans. Loud rap music, offensive lyrics, at otherwise excellent sandwich shop. Music changed (at my request, otherwise M was leaving, and I was hungry) to loud opera music with undecipherable lyrics. Todays highlight in Florence was re-visiting goldsmith artisan workshop in San Croce and re-visiting (4th time since 2005) the dried fruit & nuts vendor at the Indoor Food market. We waited 3 hours for Ognissanti Church to reopen after pausa, but then our visit was cut short by an American Destination Wedding (for a marriage likely to end in divorce). I tried to dodge the nun who was chasing after me to kick me out. “Please, can I just take a quick peek at Ghirlandaio’s ‘Last Supper’?” “No, the Mass starts soon.” “Oh, pox on you. You can foget a donation, now.”…the last quote was safely inside a thought bubble. Do I sound sour? I am. This is my 2nd attempt to visit this place, both times after long train rides. Harumph. What else did we do in Florence today? We witnessed a Tesla get towed by police, window shopped at a Rubber Duckie store (really?), tried to barge into a private garden for a private French school - the bouncer at the door stopped us, we tried to visit another enclosed urban garden, but the gates were locked - it’s only available as a venue for destination weddings, and such. Let’s get the next train back to Spello. Harumph.

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