
By ABeautifulNow


I went to the lake after a rain fall recently, the ground was still wet and you can smell the freshness in the air that only rain can bring. One other person was down by the lake with me and there was a silent mutual understanding of quiet and peace between us. As I sat at the bank of the water, just brushing my toes along the surface to avoid the sharp bite of the coldness it was sure to bring, a sense of calm washed over me. I was alone, no one needed me. I needed no one. I was not expected to be professional or funny or try to stand out from the crowd. I could just be me, whoever that is. Taking a big breath in and exhale releasing all the tensions of the world. The water ebbed and flowed as I listened to its whispers. I wanted to sit in this moment forever but time can find you anywhere and it is not endless. Getting up to leave I promised myself moments of serene quiet and breath taking peace would be something I prioritized in my life.  

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