
By Teasel

Evening Sky

Start of the working week again, and it was a lovely morning.  However it got cooler as the day went on. 
I had the usual Monday morning catch up and then an introductory meeting with my new boss.  She seems very nice -0 very down to earth and very kind.   It was a day of too many meetings, but I did manage to pop out at lunchtime for some fresh air.  It started to rain – and really big spots of rain – but thankfully I got back to the office before I got too wet.  I’m not sure if the rain came to anything or not, as I can’t see out of the window due to scaffolding.   
I made sure that I left work in good time this evening, as the A1 is closed in the evenings for I think the next twelve weeks and I don’t want to get caught in the diversion as I did last Thursday.  Once home I made tea, and then later I popped out for some steps.  It was cool, and I was wearing two fleeces and wasn’t overly warm.  So much for it being June.
The late-ish evening sky was lovely.

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