
By PaulaJ

Out of the rain

I have been told so many times by different people that the Borders Book Festival in Melrose is really good, that at last I decided we should go. As we were only trying it out and it is ‘marking season’ we decided to just go for one day, staying overnight in Melrose.

Sadly it rained almost constantly all evening. Umbrellas were needed to get from one venue/marquee to the next and the lovely eating area was not at all inviting - see extra.

However . . . we have each been to three events/talks during this first evening of the festival and every one was excellent. It’s late now so I will provide more detail of what we went to tomorrow. I had to use this picture of Natalie Haynes, terrible because of the light and the fact that she is never still as it is, because it was our last event and she is utterly brilliant.

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